Pregnancy Shadow Effect

by Katie

I created the pregnancy shadow effect using nothing but a regular digital camera set on low speed and flash off.

Find a white or blank wall and place a lamp behind you. Set your camera on a timer or have your spouse take the picture.

Then upload your pics onto your computer and use Picasa 3 (you can download it for free off Google) to edit the photos how you want.

I think it's a great way to capture the natural beauty of out pregnant bodies without having to expose everything.

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by: Sonja

I would like to put forward a small tag line for this picture. "Light that glows from inside even when engulfed in darkness. " let there be light the god said and there was light. A beautifully mastered vision in camera. I just loved it to the core.

So Beautiful!
by: Anonymous

WOW! What a figure. You have one of the best pregnant bellies I've seen.

by: Windy Rose

This picture seems to be easy to re-create at home without complicated tools and extras. It is tasteful and the quote is priceless for describing the feelings of a new mommy-to-be. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I am 40 weeks pregnant and just now finding this website and trying to get some pictures made before my son makes his arrival.

by: Anonymous

I absolutely love this!! Great use of words from a classic children's book!

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