To provide online childbirth classes that actively teach the skills and techniques needed to ensure a comfortable, safe birth experience and smooth recovery, without the hassle or expense of traditional childbirth classes.
Natural childbirth education classes also outline the body's innate design to give birth and respect the emotional needs of laboring women so mothers receive peace-of-mind by gaining the knowledge and skills needed to relieve their fears so they can enjoy their pregnancies and actually look forward to giving birth. See
What Past Students
are Saying

"Our Belated Christmas Present"
I had to write you to tell you how thankful I am that I took the 12 week class. I had my baby on the 26th but sadly she was breech and was unable to have our planned home birth. However, I did labor to full dilation at home before being transported to the hospital. When the midwife arrived she thought I was only 7 centimeters or so based on how I was acting. She thought that there was no way a first time mother would be so calm and be in full active labor. I took to heart everything I read in your class and I can't tell you how much it helped. My midwife even sent me an email afterward to tell me that I was amazing through the whole process and she could not believe how prepared I seemed during the labor. Also, because I had to have a C-section I was unable to be there when they tried to administer the Vitamin K and the Hep B shot but because I kept my husband informed he was able to refuse. We did get a lecture from the doctors but I know that we made the best decision because we were so informed. I can't thank you enough and I am telling everyone about this class. I don't think I would have been able to handle the labor without it.
Kerry Schamel

think your book & information helped me a lot. I felt
confident about what was going to happen & not
scared. It did hurt there at the end, but the fact that
I was able to do the whole thing without any drugs or epidural made me
confident that I had done everything I could to give her the best
start. I would recommend your program to anyone that wants to
have a baby. I don't know if I would have had the
confidence to do it otherwise."

"A Personal Answer to the Fear in My Heart"
been putting off having a baby with my husband
for years, thinking I can get away with it for a while because I'm
"only 33"...but the truth is, I've been completely terrified of
childbirth and that's what's been holding me back.
After completing
your natural child birth education classes, my fear of
childbirth is gone.
I know exactly what I need to do and my anxiety about giving
birth has melted away. I can't wait to meet my baby and add
my birth story to your collection."

What Makes This Program so Powerful?
Birth Outside the Box™: Online Childbirth Classes are not typical hospital childbirth classes. Their 3 Tiered approach, hands-on materials, and flexible scheduling unite to actively teach you the what, when, where, why, and how of childbirth to make your birthing go as smoothly as possible, from the choices you make during your pregnancy to those during birth and recovery.
Plus, you'll have unlimited access to StudyWomb™, the Online Natural Childbirth Education Classroom. From audio and written relaxation scripts, birth journals, and free printables to nutritional guides, sample birth plans, a guide to checking your own cervix and other tips and techniques, StudyWomb™ provides a full suite of tools to help you prepare for your ideal birth experience. What's more, you'll also have access to a private forum to contact a childbirth educator and get your questions answered.
An Innovative 3 Tiered-Approach
Core Curriculum ![]() |
Birthing Workbook ![]() |
Language of Childbirth Vocabulary Pack ![]() |
Tier I - The Program Components
A. THE CORE CURRICULUMFrom prenatal preparation to handling complications, the 14 detailed lessons in the Core Curriculum form the foundation of the program:
The Course Syllabus (opens a new window) provides complete lesson descriptions. |
Written in a one-to-one, conversational tone, each lesson feels like having a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend in the comfort of your own home, not a stuffy lecture in a sterile hospital full of strangers.
The natural child birth education program requires no advanced computer knowledge or special technology. Each lesson is crafted as a Adobe Acrobat document. Adobe Reader, a free download, is required to view and print each lesson. All you need is an email account. Just point and click to start each lesson.
Online childbirth classes eliminate the woes of struggling to remember hours and hours of lecture. You'll have detailed reference materials to review and revisit during your entire pregnancy so you never have to worry about forgetting a single detail.
You'll also be able to prepare simultaneously with your chosen birth companion(s) - any time, anywhere. With a computer and an Internet connection, they'll be able to prepare right along with you. Lesson XI is devoted to teaching your birth companion(s) how to support you during birth, so that you can both be at ease once labor unfolds.
The Birthing Workbook is an essential element to mastering your natural child birth education. It provides assignments and student reflections for each lesson. By the end of the program, it will contain the wisdom you've gain along your pregnancy and childbirth preparation journey. It will serve as your "Childbirth Bible" for years to come. It will free you to focus on what you're learning rather than struggling to remember every detail. You'll also avoid information overload by working at your own pace so you can focus on applying all the strategies and techniques you learn.
You'll be able to speak a common language with your care providers - should any technical terms arise, you'll understand what's being said well in advance of the birth so you don't feel scared or out of control during your pregnancy or once labor arrives.
Tier II - Flexible Scheduling
A. PICK AN OPTION, ANY OPTIONStart your natural child birth education any time, anywhere without having to discuss your pregnancy and birth with a bunch of strangers. The schedule will adapt to fit your personal needs.
Choose the option that works best for your individual needs so you don't have to lose your entire weekend traveling to a class or spend hours listening to lecture after a long day’s work, struggling just to stay awake.
12 Week Course | 7 Week Course | Self-Paced Course |
Links and passwords to each lesson are sent via email for 12 consecutive weeks.
Links and passwords for each lesson are emailed weekly for 7 consecutive weeks. 2-3 lessons are covered each week.
Includes download access to the entire natural child birth education curriculum for self-paced home study.
a Print Edition?
Get the core program in print form, including the Core Curriculum, Birthing Workbook and Language of Childbirth Vocabulary Pack, all bound into 1 complete Natural Child Birth Education Manual - no need to spend time or money on printing and ink. Plus, get a complimentary copy of the complete curriculum in digital format so you can start preparing for childbirth today. All additional course materials will also be accessbile online - a thank-you note automatically sent after enrollment provides access instructions. |
Tier III - 24/7 Access to StudyWomb™
StudyWomb™, the Online Natural Child Birth Education Classroom, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for unlimited access to its unique services and supports. Inside you'll find a full suite of tools, including:
- Quizzes for Each Course Lesson
- Sample Birth Plans
- Birth Journals
- Relaxation Audios
- Daily Nutritional Guides
- Inspirational Desktop Wallpaper
- Meal Tracking Forms
- Written Relaxation Scripts
- and Even a Private Consultation Support Center
New resources will be added frequently, including PowerPoint presentations, instructional videos, audio lessons and more, all designed to help you prepare for your upcoming birth experience.
Should you have questions or concerns about any of the program materials or your individual situation, help is just a click away. Just login via your private password at StudyWomb™, submit a support ticket, and a childbirth educator will respond within 2 business days - no need to wait until your next class.
Where Do I Register?
Tuition for the complete Online Natural Child Birth Education curriculum including:
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is only $50 USD, with all transactions processed securely through PayPal. That’s hundreds of dollars less than traditional natural child birth education classes so you can save for unexpected expenses when the baby comes. You won't have to make financial sacrifices while facing the rising cost of living and adding a baby to your family.
You'll also shave thousands of dollars off a hospital bill by avoiding unnecessary interventions - the entire cost of the program will be covered in savings alone!
After you complete the online childbirth classes, you will listen to other women's horror stories knowing that your choices prevented you from walking in their footsteps. You'll think back on your child's birth, remembering how calm, relaxed and in control you felt.
to share with your child about the day they were born.
And after you've given birth easily, safely and comfortably, you'll be the envy of every mother you know - they'll want to know your secrets - and you'll be able to share your natural child birth education with them, paying forward all you've learned to help other women around you have the comfortable, safe birth experiences they too, deserve to have.

12 Week Course |
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7 Week Course |
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Self-Paced Course |
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Print Edition |
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Giving Birth Naturally: Online Childbirth Classes