Online Childbirth Classes - Prepare for Childbirth on Your Own Schedule
Online Childbirth Classes are available whenever and wherever you want, without the hassle or expense of traditional childbirth classes, to actively teach you the skills and techniques you need to ensure a comfortable, safe birth experience for you and your baby.
View our Childbirth Video Galleries
Visit our Natural Childbirth Video Galleries to dispel any fears you may have about giving birth naturally. Seeing is believing.
Understanding the Stages of Labor
Understanding the stages of labor means more than knowing how dilated you are. It means recognizing the hallmarks of each and knowing what techniques to use at each step of the birth.
Pregnancy Questions - Understanding Complications, Interventions & Procedures
Get help with pregnancy questions on common complications, interventions, and procedures.
Many natural labor pain management techniques exist, although many women are unaware of these non-pharmaceutical options.
Women giving birth naturally can employ many relaxation techniques to ensure that their natural birth is also a gentle, peaceful experience.
Best Labor and Birth Positions
Using effective labor and birth positions can greatly increase a woman's comfort level during birth and also shorten her labor time.
You want a natural vaginal birth, but have you prepared for it?
Routine Newborn Baby Care Procedures
Many routine newborn baby care procedures can be delayed or outright refused, although many parents aren't aware of why these procedures often aren't in the best interest of their baby...
Read through our collection of hospital, home, water and unassisted natural births. You can even post your own story!
The natural ways to induce labor are safe, effective alternatives to invasive medical inductions but should only be used for valid reasons.
The Early Signs of Labor Challenge
You may think that a woman couldn't miss the early signs of labor, but you'll be surprised at how much they vary from woman to woman.
Page Last Modified by Catherine Beier, MS, CBE
How to Use Acupressure to Induce Labor
Childbirth Relaxation Script MP3s
Nutrition During Pregnancy - Nix the Notion of Eating for Two
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Choose 7 week, 12 week, or Self- Paced online childbirth classes available wherever and whenever you need them.
Vanessa's natural birth story shows that when birth is left alone to proceed as it should, it waits for no one - not even doctors or midwives.
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